Want Crysis to run on Very High? Got $1800?

Triple SLIAnd that’s just for the triple SLI setup alone. Seems the lads over at PC Games Hardware wanted to get Crysis to run on Very High with a decent frame rate, and it looks like they just might’ve done it.

They managed to get Crysis to run at an average FPS of 37.9 on Very High settings with 1xAA/1xAF, but the rig they used wasn’t any ordinary system. They had to put together an Intel Quad Core system (Q6850 @ 3.00GHz) with 2GB of RAM, a triple SLI setup utilising 8800 Ultra’s and a 1200W PSU just to do it.

Judging by the benchmark results, it’s going to be a while before your average gaming rig will be able to handle Crysis on Very High.

It’s pretty crazy to think that you need a system that costs as much as a good second-hand car just to run a game on the highest settings. The same thing happened with Far Cry when it was released, but nowadays most average to high-end PCs on the market can easily run the game on it’s highest settings with ease.

Hopefully we’ll see some nice juicy hardware come out in the next 12-18 months that will help us to slay the beast that is Crysis, and judging by the progress Nvidia is making, it could be possible.

For anyone interested in the guts of the PC, PCGH were nice enough to upload a bunch of pictures of the rig and some of the key components used in the setup. You’ll also find some in-game shots and benchmark results from not only Crysis, but also UT3 and F.E.A.R..

Now Frank, about getting me a Quad Core, triple SLI setup…[Keep on dreaming bud. -frank]

[via gemaga]


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