BioShock Infinite fifteen minute E3 demo and Levine interview

bioshock infinite

The time has come, the time is now. BioShock Infinite fifteen minute E3 demo, will you please go now?

BioShock Infinite is Irrational Games’ follow-up to its 2007 sci-fi horror shooter set in an underwater dystopia. In a complete reversal of expectations (Surprise!), Irrational has taken Infinite to the skies in the floating city of Columbia. It stinks of the same social and political decay of its predecessor, but this game is a whole new beast (with a big, new beast) as the recently released gameplay footage shows.

In an interview with GameTrailers (also posted below), which originally aired the footage, Irrational Creative Director Ken Levine says that all fifteen minutes are genuine game. Granted, the options chosen by the driver in the demo are only a reflection of one way to approach the many multi-faceted problems in Infinite — dying horses, sentenced postman, bombarding zeppelins — but they represent the actual experience that players can expect from the game’s gold cut.

Speaking of gold, Infinite is set to release in 2012, though no firmer date than that has been set.  Be sure to check out GamerNode’s E3 impressions on this footage and stay tuned for more on BioShock Infinite.

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Author: Dan Crabtree View all posts by
Dan is Managing Editor for GamerNode and a freelance gaming writer. His dog is pretty great. Check him out on Twitter @DanRCrabtree.

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