First Dead Space 2 trailer pieces together ink blot mystery

[flash width="540" height="435"]http:/[/flash]

Remember those strange ink blot packages that got sent out earlier this week, referencing "The sickness is the cure. The cure is the sickness?" Well it looks like those were all part of a puzzle leading up to the reveal of the new Dead Space 2 trailer.

Why ink blots? The voices in the background of the trailer tell why. At the end of Dead Space (SPOILER), Isaac is attacked by what looks to be his girlfriend’s necromorph. So his life is uncertain. Obviously he is making a return in the sequel, though, but it sounds like the way that the doctors managed to bring him back might be less than savory.

"Isaac, we’re all going to burn for what we did to you."

There’s been no qualms from Visceral Games that this next outing into the Dead Space universe will center on Isaac Clarke, who players learned only a little about in the first game. But the clues now hint at what could be a seedy story of how Isaac is still alive to begin with. Is the Marker responsible? Is Isaac only alive by some bizarre supernatural power?

More to come on this developing game, so stay tuned, and cross your fingers for a 2010 release.

Thanks DailyMotion


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Author: Dan Crabtree View all posts by
Dan is Managing Editor for GamerNode and a freelance gaming writer. His dog is pretty great. Check him out on Twitter @DanRCrabtree.

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