Gears of War 3 carves up Late Night

cliffy b gears of war 3

After much anticipation, a few leaked details and some delays, Gears of War 3 footage is finally upon us. In tonight’s Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, Epic Game’s Cliff Bleszinkski showed off the first ever seen footage of the third installment in the 360 exclusive third person shooter series.

In the trailer called "Ashes to Ashes", a bearded Dom runs from a horde of Locust until he is reunited with Marcus and crew, including female soldiers, which Bleszinski said is definitely a new part of the game.  The gun Marcus uses is a double barrell shotgun, another new addition, and the COGS attempt to fight off not only the Locust this time around, but also some sort of tentacle creature fighting with the Locust.  It was rumored earlier this week that this creature would be able to hit players behind cover, making for more varied and frantic gameplay.

Aside from all that, Cliffy B. didn’t have much else to say about the game, aside from a likely release date of April 8th, 2011.  A year away? Too long.



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Author: Dan Crabtree View all posts by
Dan is Managing Editor for GamerNode and a freelance gaming writer. His dog is pretty great. Check him out on Twitter @DanRCrabtree.

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