OnLive PC gaming alternative drops monthly charge

Great news for any folks on the fence about checking out OnLive. The price of signing up just got a whole lot cheaper. In fact, it’s now the cheapest it can possibly be without OnLive owing the consumer money. OnLive has dropped the monthly fee originally required to take advantage of the OnLive service. You still have to purchase the games you’re interested in playing obviously, but you can now get the service set up to check out demos and browse the selection in a matter of minutes with no monetary obligation.

For the unaware, OnLive allows PC games to be played on any computer, as long it has the ability to stream HD video online. If you’ve got a good internet connection, you can play high end PC games remotely, even on a Mac.

OnLive CEO Steve Perlman apologized for the delay in offering the service without a monthly fee on the OnLive blog saying that new services like this understandably take a little while to feel out. This move could be a big step towards making OnLive a widely adopted service for playing PC games. Click here to check out the service right now, and leave your wallets behind, becasue your money is no good there! Until you are ready to buy a game that is.

[OnLive Blog]


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