UK judge blocks sale of Manhunt 2 (again)

Manhunt 2Just when you hoped the world was done with the Manhunt 2 drama…

On Friday, the UK once again blocked sale of Rockstar’s Manhunt 2. Last month, you may remember the Video Appeals Committee lifted the ban at the request of Rockstar, and awarded the game an 18 certificate (meaning you have to be at least 18 to purchase it). Their conclusion? It was unlikely to cause harm to children or adults who happen to play it.

Now, a High Court judge in London deemed the VAC decision fatally flawed by "a clear error of law" when it came to their determination that the game didn’t cause harm. Why? Because despite the 18 rating, children might still get access to the game.

During the hearing, the British Board of Film Censors also expressed displeasure at the VAC decision, saying that their overturning of the BBFC ruling could have serious implications for their watchdog role "not only in relation to video games, but generally."

Why didn’t anyone think of the BBFC during this whole fiasco? Come on, VAC! Your use of common sense and, you know, the law, might have damaged the BBFC’s role as watchdog for the British populace! For shame, you greedy bastards. For shame.

On the bright side, UK gamers, I have played Manhunt 2, and I can assure you that you are not missing anything worth your time.



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Author: Brendon Lindsey View all posts by

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