VS Node 3: E3 and ADD

vs. Node Podcast

Eddie, Christos, and Jason talk about E3 and more in the podcast that couldn’t stay on topic.

Episode 3 of vs. Node breaks from the normal format in a number of ways, as Eddie Inzauto and Christos Reid welcome GamerNode columnist Jason Fanelli to the show for a rousing and meandering (that’s a nice way of saying we couldn’t keep on topic) discussion of recent news, industry topics, and our hopes and predictions for this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo.

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00:00 – Welcome!
00:55 – News.
01:01 – Electronic Gaming Monthly to return.
02:20 – Shadow Complex.
04:02 – Midway auction.
04:50 – E3 on the horizon.
05:06 – The Big 3: Who Will Win? – Jason’s take.
06:11 – Eddie’s take.
07:15 – Christos’s take.
08:32 – Eddie is looking forward to…
08:47 – Jason wants to see…
09:40 – Bayonetta
10:38 – Perfect Dark for XBLA.
11:38 – Wolfenstein 3D for XBLA.
13:38 – “I always judge how fun a game is by how angry I get.”
14:25 – Christos’s Team Fortress 2 Sniper/Spy update and Left 4 Dead woes.
16:11 – Favorite E3 moments. The Regginator!
18:50 – The Wii. A letdown?
20:27 – Nintendo dual-branding in the home console market?
21:20 – How to get “core” Nintendo audience back.
23:58 – PSP Go, PS3 Slim. Size concerns. Spiderman font hatred.
24:52 – Zune HD. XBL Vision Camera. Microsoft’s E3 plans.
26:12 – Xbox 360 dashboard overhaul coming? MMO support on the 360?
27:17 – Metal Gear Solid 4 on the 360?
28:14 – Multiplatform vs. exclusive titles.
28:48 – OnLive scares Jason.
31:04 – Controller layouts and input options.
33:13 – Handheld gaming and the iPhone influence.
34:04 – When will we see an Apple press conference at E3?
35:46 – Questioning the viability of large-scale simultaneous multiplayer on XBLA.
37:05 – Eddie’s final predictions and hopes for E3.
38:04 – Jason’s final predictios and hopes for E3.
40:03 – Christos’s final predictions and hopes for E3.
40:53 – Eddie and Jason remember Assassin’s Creed 2 and BioShock 2. How’d we forget?
41:55 – Wrap-up.

Opening theme from Nintendo’s Mike Tyson’s Punch Out!!/Punch Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream and composers U. Kaneoko, A. Nakatuka, and K. Yamamoto, 1987, 1990. “Spanish Flea” written by Julius Wechter, performed by Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass, 1965.

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