XBL users still fired up over broken service

angry XBL guysComments on the xbox.com forums, regarding server problems on Xbox Live, are still coming in loud and clear from dissatisfied users who are still struggling to play their games online.

The posts on the forum range from irate customers who are threatening to switch over to the PS3 from users who doubt that a free XBL arcade game will heal the wounds.

Most of the complaining revolves around the service still being broken and the relative silence of Microsoft in explaining why and what happened during the last three weeks of spotty service.

One rant on the Xbox live forums, by Lucard Tepesh, took a swipe at Marc Whitten, XBL’s general manager, in his congratulating users for breaking records associated with the mass numbers logging on to Xbox Live.

"This is rediculous!!!! (sp) Come on M/S, when you said and i will quote "Please be patient. Xbox live is having intermittent (sp) problems, we are working around the clock to fix the problem." I have been patient for WEEKS now. We all have, all "Record breaking numbers of us.

"That means, me (a 6 year subscriber) and little jane the 2 weeks subscriber as well as ever other person on this forum. We PAY for this, its not like PS3 or Wii here. You’ve had weeks to get this done, you have BILLIONS of bucks and with your talk of "RECORD BREAKING NUMBERS" it seems like you just got even more money, and your going to proceed to tell us that ‘WE ARE WORKING AROUND THE CLOCK’?

"This is a joke, COD 4, HALO 3, Forza 2…. and i can’t play any of them, and then you tell me that you are going to give me an arcade game free…What, are you going to let me download Spongebob Squarepants so that you can get even more money on the backside from Nickelodeon? I’ll tell you what will make this barely tolerable…. Let US choose what free arcade game we want, all "Record Braking Numbers" of us.

"How many of you would really want to play Spongebob’s underpants hunt?……. This is a prime example of the Corprate (sp) giant jacking around the customers and trying to make it seem like they are doing us a favor. Stop throwing your millions into advertising and TV commercials for a second and throw it into getting this fixed. Stop thinking about NEW costomers (sp) and take care of the ones you are jacking over……….. Whew… ok …. i’m done…. that felt good."

It seems that a few heads will probably roll at Microsoft because nobody saw the tsunami of traffic coming during the holidays…plus the lengthy time it is taking to fix the problems.


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