Xbox 36izzle gives parents street cred

Listen up, parents. Are you trying to remain cool, but whenever you talk with your kids about what’s crackalackin’ they just jive you instead? If so, Microsoft and Xbox 360 are here to help, with their new site, Parental Street Cred. (Complete with the most radical entry gate ever, yo!) In a series of unfortunate adverts, a group of what I assume are failing scientists give tips on how to be cool, and reinforce that the Xbox 360 is good, wholesome family entertainment. (You know, like that one Nintendo game thing your kids like.) While some of the videos are entertaining (and I’m all for hot scientists doing the worm), for the most part… Well, just take a look for yourself.

[flash width="480" height="392"]http:/[/flash]

(More in full story)

If you’re Microsoft, there’s good news and bad news for these ads. The good news is they had another company create and film them. The bad news is they greenlit the other company to create and film them.

You can check out the rest of the videos in the super tubular full story. Be sure to get your groove on and shake that thang straight to the limit as you thrill along with all of the awesome epicness that is the Xbizzle 3sizzle.

[flash width="480" height="392"]http:/[/flash]

[flash width="480" height="392"]http:/[/flash]

[flash width="480" height="392"]http:/[/flash]

[flash width="480" height="392"]http:/[/flash]

[flash width="480" height="392"]http:/–fjpfo&hl=en[/flash]

 [vizzle Xbox36izzle Fanbizoys]


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Author: Brendon Lindsey View all posts by

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